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Week 18: It's long, but then so is a marathon

Today we are celebrating Mum completing Manchester Marathon for Vizsla Rescue. Yesterday we were not celebrating, because Mum left me!  I wuffed Mum up for my morning wee and she didn't come.  How was I meant to go for a morning week without Mum?  Dad came instead, I wasn't sure about this.  Dad is nice, but Dad is not Mum.  I was busting so I did my wee anyway, but it didn't feel quite right. I wuffed in the kitchen and the lounge and the dining room, but Mum wasn't in any of those places.  I consoled myself with taking a pan scrub from the kitchen side and gave it a good chew while I mulled over Mum's absence. While I was wuffing and chewing for Mum, Mum was on the start line of Manchester Marathon feeling cold.  Mum had peeled off all her extra layers and was ready for running now.  I bet she was doing her little cold jiggle that she sometimes does when we have to go out for a poo in the middle of the night and she's only got her PJs on. 
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